Smart Storage System

ECE5725 Final Project
A Project By Joash Shankar (jcs556), Ming He (hh759), Junze Zhou (jz2275)

Demonstration Video


Managing personal packages effectively is a daunting task, as conventional storage options frequently fall short in providing adequate security and organizational features, along with the needed technological integration to streamline package delivery and collection. Our Smart Storage System is crafted to revolutionize this process, offering a more secure and efficient storage solution. By integrating advanced technologies such as facial recognition, electronic tagging, and automated notifications, we automate the whole system with timer-related functionalities to elevate the package delivery/retrieval process and overall management, transforming the traditional way of managing packages.

Project Objective:

Project diagram picture

Project Model

Project diagram picture

Home Page


In this project, our system emulates the functionality of a real-life apartment package management system. It categorizes individuals into three distinct groups: authorized users, delivery personnel, and unauthorized individuals. The process begins when a doorbell button is pressed, accompanied by an audio cue signaling the initiation of the facial recognition procedure. The system is adept at distinguishing between these groups.

For authorized users, a green LED lights up, and the PiTFT screen displays relevant information, such as the presence or absence of their packages, the specific bin numbers holding their packages (if any), and an email notification is sent indicating they picked up their package. In the case of unauthorized individuals, the system responds with a message stating "Access Denied", highlighted by a red LED and an audio alert specific to invalid users.

For delivery personnel, the procedure includes a green LED signal and on-screen instructions detailing the steps for scanning shipping labels, which are represented by various April tags, and placing packages into a bin chosen by the system. Once the delivery man places a user’s package, that user will receive an email notification that their package has been delivered. The system also incorporates an algorithm to manage situations where the storage bins are fully occupied. As part of this, if a user didn’t pick up their package within a specified time range, they will receive an email alert that they should pick up their package at a USPS store. In summary, this innovative Smart Storage System aims to streamline and secure the process of package handling in residential settings.

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Flow Chart of our System

As indicated in the flow chart above, for each iteration of main loop, the program will check if the "Program flag" is asserted. "Program flag" refers to our definition of four flags to control and handle our logic flow: "pkg_Delivered", "pkg_Picked", "out_time" and "invalid_user".

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Flow Chart of Delivery Personnel

As for the flow of the "Delivery Person", this flow chart illustrates the subprocess when a delivery person is detected. In the delivery logic, we implemented multiple mechanisms. In addition to the timeout handling logic described above, we also realized a mechanism that the system will automatically find the available bins and deal with packages that have not been picked up for a long time. Specifically, the system will record the time indicating how long a package has stored in the bin, which we defined as the "protection time" (time elapsed). When the "protection time" of one package has exceeded the time limit, the package will not be "protected" anymore, indicating the time to pick up the package has expired and the delivery person should replace the package out of the bin with a new one (and the delivery man would bring the old package to the USPS store for that associated user to pick up later).

Software Design

The primary components of software include facial recognition, april tag scanning, and overall bin placement/retrieval logic.

Facial Recognition

For facial recognition, we detect and recognize faces in the video stream via the RPi camera through process_face_detection(). When called, this either a) searches for valid and invalid faces and moves on to the next step or b) times out if no faces are detected within a set timeframe. It does this by loading in the pre-saved facial encodings (from i.e. loads known users. While running for each frame, it detects faces and calculates their facial encodings. These encodings are compared against the pre-saved encodings to find matches, identifying if a face belongs to a known user or is unknown. 3 cases arise from this:

  1. If a known user is detected, display a message to welcome the user and indicate if they have package(s) to pick up or not and light the LED green
  2. If a delivery man is detected, start the AprilTag scanning process and light the LED green
  3. If an unknown user is detected, display a message that they are an invalid user, light the LED red, and play invalid sound
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Face recognition process starts

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April tag recognition process starts

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Invalid user detected

April Tagging

April Tag Example

Our system includes an innovative feature known as "April Tagging" which becomes active during the facial recognition stage, specifically when the delivery person is identified. April tags essentially serve as shipping labels, streamlining the package management process. In this process, each captured frame is first converted to grayscale - a technique that enhances the effectiveness of April tag detection. We then utilize a specialized detector, tailored for a specific tag family (in our case, tag16h5), to process these grayscale images for tag detection. For every April tag detected, we extract its unique ID. This ID not only allows us to visually represent the tag by drawing bounding boxes around it but also serves as a crucial function in our system. We use this tag ID to retrieve relevant user information from a pre-defined mapping (the 'tag_info' dictionary). The detection of a tag associated with a user triggers the bin-opening process. This is pivotal in facilitating package delivery for the delivery personnel and package retrieval for the user.

Bin Placement/Retrieval

Allocation of Bin Example

Allocation of available bin

Regarding the overall bin placement and retrieval logic in our system, we implemented find_open_bin(). This function is central to managing the allocation of bins for new package placements by delivery personnel. It starts by checking if all bins are full. If so, we calculate the time elapsed since each bin last received a package. The bin with the longest elapsed time since the last package was placed is then identified. If this elapsed time exceeds a certain threshold (i.e. the user didn't pick up their package after 50 seconds, in our case), the system sends an email to the user that the time to pick up their package has expired, that they should pick up their package at their nearest USPS store, and this bin opens for new package placement. In scenarios where not all bins are occupied, the system locates the first available (open) bin for the delivery personnel.

In addition to the bin allocation function, we implemented get_package() for efficient package retrieval management. This locates bins containing the user’s package(s), based on the April tag ID associated with the user. Once identified, the system guides users to which bin(s) contains their package(s) for pick-up via a message on the PiTFT.

Throughout this whole process, we track the status of available or unavailable bins via a dictionary called "bin_status", where we update if a bin should be open (no package placed) or closed (package placed which is linked to a user via April tag ID). This status change is physically signified by the bin door opening via a servo, indicating that the bin is now available. Additionally, we send emails to the user based on whether their package has been delivered or when they picked up their package.

The functionalities of find_open_bin() and get_package() are interconnected through various dictionaries resembling a database mapping structure. The "tag_info" dictionary links each April tag (which acts as a shipping label) to all valid users. Based on our availability algorithm, the "bin_AT" dictionary assigns a system-selected bin to a user once the April tag is scanned, managing individual package delivery and pick-up. The "bin_to_gpio" dictionary links each bin to a servo which is controlled by hardware-timed PWM generated by a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi, meaning a bin door can open and close via the servo moving up and down. Using the SG90 servo in conjunction with the pigpio library allows for the generation of hardware-timed PWM. The pulse widths for this setup can vary from 500 us (0 degrees) to 2500 us (180 degrees). Due to the mechanical assembly, 500 us keeps the servo vertically up (0 degrees), indicating an open bin door and an available bin status, whereas 1500 us (90 degrees) keeps the bin horizontal, indicating a closed bin door and an unavailable bin status.

When the delivery man places a package in, if he forgot to click the button to close the bin, we've also implemented a timer that automatically closes the bin (after 30 sec) on behalf of the delivery man to ensure the package is secure in the bin.

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Multiple pacakges

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No packages

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When a new package arrives, replace it with the oldest package which is out of valid time range

Automated Emails

Email sent Example

We also introduced an email sending functionality into our system. There are three situations where the system will send emails to the users:

To implement email functionality, we employed a Gmail account as the sender of the system, the SMTP server to take care of the email sending, and wrote a function called "send_email" that is designed for actually sending emails. In this function, we first set up and started an SMTP session, and create an email object specifiying the appropriate sender email, receiver email, and the subject and body of the email via the "MIMEText" module. Then, we used the sender email and corresponding password to log into the SMTP server and finally employ the server to send the email. For the delivered package alert email, when the camera detects a delivery man, the system will set the receiver email based on the result of April tag recognition and a dictionary that maps the April tag ID to the user, and the subject and body, and then the "send_email" function will be called to send the email to the corresponding user. For the picked-up package email, the system will set the receiver email based on detecting a valid user, and send the email once the valid user opens the bin(s) with their package(s). For the package expiration email, the trigger condition will be that all the bins are full and one of the packages has stayed in the bins for too long when the delivery man tries to store packages in the bins.


In our security system, we used the module to serve a dual purpose through the speaker module. Upon pressing the start button, it plays a specific piece of music, signaling the activation of the camera's detection process. Additionally, it emits a different tune as an alert in case of unauthorized access detection. We chose the module for its ease of use and its support for various audio formats including MP3 and WAV. This setup involves loading the music file when needed, playing it, and then unloading it post-playback to optimize resource usage. The music for the start button is embedded in its callback function, initiating before facial recognition, while a distinct sound is played when detecting an invalid user.


Our system features four distinct buttons, each assigned to a specific function. They include a button for initiating facial recognition, another for powering down the entire system, a third for quitting the program, and a fourth for closing a bin once a package is placed. The facial recognition bottom-most button is linked to the callback function; when a falling edge event on this pin is detected, indicating the button's activation, the facial recognition process begins. Similarly, the program shutdown button utilizes a GPIO pin callback when clicked to shut down the system. For the quit button, we implemented a flag that signals the program to exit the program. When a delivery man wants to place a package in a bin, they are prompted to click on the top-most button to close the bin that they placed the package in, which is controlled by polling that button.

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Close a bin when button 17 is pressed

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Quit the program when button 22 is pressed

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Terminate the program when button 23 is pressed

System Reset

In addition, a system reset function is designed to make our system work repeatably. In this function, we reset almost all flag variables used in the program and some global variables used to temporarily store values so that multiple functions can access them together. We also use this to display our welcome page when an action is completed or when a timeout occurs. The logic of resetting the two LEDs is also defined here.

Hardware Design

In relation to the project's objective, a mechanism is required to facilitate the opening and closing of the bin. For this purpose, we utilized the SG90 servo to emulate the function of a lock. To enhance the functionality, we modified each servo arm by attaching half of a popsicle stick to it. This modification enables the servo to move from a vertical to a horizontal position, thereby allowing a bin, fashioned from a piece of cardboard akin to a door, to open and close in conjunction with the servo arm's movements. Owing to the number of pins necessary to control all the servos (nine bins in our case), we opted to use the pigpio library. This Python module operates on Linux and communicates with the pigpio daemon to manage the 0-31 general-purpose input/outputs (GPIO) using hardware-timed Pulse Width Modulation (PWM). Initially, we experimented with the Rpi.GPIO and GPIO Zero libraries. We eventually discarded Rpi.GPIO because it only offers software PWM and restricts PWM generation to four specific pins (12, 13, 18, and 19). Although GPIO Zero supports both software and hardware PWM, we initially overlooked the requirement to implement the Pin class under GPIO Zero for generating hardware PWM. This oversight led us to utilize software PWM, which resulted in significant servo jittering and noticeable time latency. Ultimately, we chose the pigpio module due to its superior PWM resolution and accuracy, attributable to hardware-timed PWM. Additionally, it simplified the process of implementing PWM generation across the 0-31 GPIO pins.

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Hardware Schematic


Our project's testing and verification process is straightforward, as each component yields visible reactions and outcomes when functioning correctly.

Facial Detection Accuracy Test: During testing

We observed occasional inconsistencies in facial detection, particularly with distinguishing between team members Ming and Junze. This could be improved by expanding the image database, thereby enhancing recognition accuracy.

Servos Test

We successfully tested the opening and closing mechanisms of the bin by passing specific Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to verify the functionality related to the flow of package delivery and pick-up, encompassing all edge cases.

Audio & LED Test

The audio and LED indicators were tested to confirm their functionality. We observed that audio cues were correctly initiated at the start of the face recognition process, and the green LED indicator lit up upon recognizing valid users. Conversely, a different audio signal was played for invalid users, accompanied by the illumination of the red LED indicator.

Overall Logic Test

A comprehensive system test was conducted to evaluate the algorithmic flow and functionality. We tested facial recognition for three categories of individuals: valid users, invalid users, and delivery personnel. We also evaluated the package pick-up logic for users with varying package statuses (no package, a single package, or multiple packages), incorporating corresponding features. For delivery personnel, we tested scenarios with available bins, fully occupied bins with packages outside the protected time range (e.g., 50 sec), and fully occupied bins with all packages within the protected time range, along with their corresponding features.

April Tag Accuracy Test

We verified the system's ability to accurately read April tags through the Pi camera and extract the corresponding linked information. This test ensured that the camera was capable of not only recognizing the tags but also correctly associating them with specific user data. PiTFT Display Test: This functionality was tested by observing various messages displayed on the screen. Our focus was to ensure the flexibility and accuracy of the display features, including specifying the font, color, and text centering. Additionally, we assessed the effectiveness of text wrapping to prevent overflow off-screen and the ability to clear the screen between messages, ensuring no overlap occurred throughout the program's workflow


All aspects of the project performed as planned in the end. Along the way, some difficulties and abnormal behavior resulted from either hardware or software issues, such as thorough bin placement and retrieval logic, power consumption issues arising from the servos which we fixed by using an external battery pack, or even using GPIO18 for powering an LED even though that’s meant for the piTFT backlight. However, these, as well as other tiny bugs, were resolved through algorithmic adjustments and overall software/hardware testing, ensuring the goals outlined in the description were eventually met. The one issue that persisted in the end was inconsistent facial detection readings. For example, sometimes a valid user was detected as a delivery man, or an invalid user was detected as valid. This could’ve been resolved by simply providing more images for each user and the delivery man to ensure the model was stronger in detecting users better. We were able to successfully create a fully working model of a storage system that efficiently manages package delivery and retrieval using a combination of facial recognition, AprilTag scanning, the implementation of available/unavailable bins, Pygame messages on PiTFT screen, LED and audio indicators, and automated emails.

Conclusion & Future Work

Our project has not only demonstrated a successful model of a technology-integrated storage system but has also redefined the interaction between users and their stored items. By incorporating facial and AprilTag recognition, along with timely email notifications, we've crafted a system that adds a layer of smart, intuitive interaction with packages.

We not only achieve the set objectives but also open new avenues for future enhancements. Right now, we only send email alerts to the users; but we could also send alerts to the delivery man. This could include indicating to the delivery man that all bins are full within a system and all users are still good with their pickup time. We could create a mobile app for the delivery man to see areas of dropoffs (similar to Uber) and for users to track the statuses of their packages. Instead of using servos, we could also incorporate locks.

Work Distribution

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Project group picture

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Joash Shankar

Worked on face detection, logic for picking up and placing packages in bins, and overall software testing

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Ming He

Worked on april tag detection, servo hardware setup, logic for picking up and placing packages in bins, and overall software testing

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Junze Zhou

Worked on email messaging system, LEDs, and system reset functionalities.

Parts List


PiCamera Documentation
SG90 Servo Jitter
SG90 Servo Documentation
OpenCV Library
Pigpio Library
RPi GPIO & gpiozero Documentation
Multiprocessing Documentation
MQTT Server Documentation
bashrc Setup from Lab3

Code Appendix

Click here to view all files used for project

ECE 5725 Final Project: Smart Storage System
Team: Joash Shankar (jcs556), Ming He (hh759), Junze Zhou (jz2275)
Date: Dec 8th, 2023

Description: This system handles the logic like in a real apartment system. We handle facial recognition for valid/invalid users, april tag scanning for packages linked to users, email notifications sending to users, LEDs/sound to act as an indicator if the user is valid or not, and servos to open the bins.

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import textwrap
import time
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import face_recognition
import imutils
from import VideoStream
from import FPS
import pickle
import cv2
import apriltag
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
import pigpio
import os

# GPIOs for servos: 5 6 13 19 20 21 26
# GPIOs for LEDs: 12 16
# Buttons used: 17 22 23 27

os.putenv('SDL_VIDEODRIVER', 'fbcon')
os.putenv('SDL_FBDEV', '/dev/fb0') # display on piTFT

pygame.mouse.set_visible(False) # Turn on/off mouse cursor

pathUser = "/home/pi/detection.mp3"        # stores audio file corresponding to doorbell press (plays as face detection loads)
pathInvalid = "/home/pi/invalid_user.mp3"  # stores audio file corresponding to invalid user being scanned

# Mapping of april tag IDs to user information
tag_info = {
    1: "User: Joash",
    2: "User: Ming",
    3: "User: Bob", # used as a placeholder for demonstrating all bins are full so we don't overload servos assigned to Joash or Ming for the demo
    4: "",
    5: "",
    6: "",
    7: ""
    # 8: "",
    # 9: ""
    # Add more tags as needed

# Mapping of bin IDs to april tag IDs
# 3 is assigned to Bob for demo 
bin_AT = {
    1: 0,
    2: 3,
    3: 2,
    4: 3,
    5: 0, 
    6: 3, 
    7: 3
    # 8: 3,
    # 9: 3

# Mapping of bin numbers to GPIO pins
bin_to_gpio = {
    1: 13,
    2: 6,
    3: 5,
    4: 21,
    5: 26,
    6: 19,
    7: 20
    # 8: 20,
    # 9: 20  

# Keep track of bin status (open/close)
# bins 1 and 5 starts open and everything else closed for demo
bin_status = { 
    1: "open",
    2: "close",
    3: "close",
    4: "close",
    5: "open",
    6: "close",
    7: "close"
    # 8: "close",
    # 9: "close"

sys_start_time = time.time()
# Mapping of bin numbers to the time a package was placed in it
# (we hard coded this list for demo, to demonstrate when all bins are full) 
# time.time is used since we only use bin 1, 3, 5 for the demo. time.time is updating the package time so that
# whenever the system tries to find the older packages that are also out of valid time range, bins 2, 4, 6, 7 will be ignored.
# sys_start_time is used to properly indicate time, so that it can update the proper time when a package was dropped.
bin_package_time = {
    1: sys_start_time,
    2: time.time(),
    3: sys_start_time,
    4: time.time(),
    5: sys_start_time,
    6: time.time(),
    7: time.time()
    # 8: time.time(),
    # 9: time.time()

# Video stream object
vs = None

# Used for pygame init screen
screen = None

# Flags
pkg_Delivered = False           # track if package has been delivered
pkg_Picked = False              # track if package had been picked up
email_sent = False              # check if an email notif has been sent
AT_detect_start = False         # indicate start of april tag detection
out_time = False                # indicate if a timeout occurred during facial recognition         
delivery_man_detected = False   # indicate if a delivery person has been detected
invalid_user = False            # indicate unknown user
exit_flag = False               # indicate if the program needs to terminate
no_bin_avail = False            # indicate message that no bin is available

# Servo global variables
servos = {}                     # store servo objects for each bin
available = 500                 # servo pulse width to open a bin
unavailable = 1500              # servo pulse width to close a bin

# Other global variables
detect_cam_time_limit = 60      # time limit for facial recognition before timeout
bin_global = 0                  # keep track of current bin being accessed
tag_id = 0                      # store ID of a detected april tag
AT_info = ""                    # store info related to a detected april tag

# Find open bin to place user's package in
def find_open_bin():
    global bin_status
    global bin_AT 
    global bin_global
    global tag_id
    global bin_package_time
    global screen
    global tag_info
    global no_bin_avail
    # check if all bins are full
    all_bins_full = all(status == "close" for status in bin_status.values())

    if all_bins_full:
        curr_time = time.time() # get current time
        time_elapsed = {}

        # Loop through each bin to calculate the time elapsed since the last package was placed
        for bin_number, package_time in bin_package_time.items():
            if package_time is not None:
                time_elapsed[bin_number] = curr_time - package_time
                time_elapsed[bin_number] = 0

        # determine the bin to open based on the bin with most time elapsed
        bin_to_open = max(time_elapsed, key=time_elapsed.get) 
        # have bin open if the time elapsed is greater than 50 seconds
        if(time_elapsed[bin_to_open] > 50):
            display_message(screen, f"Take the previous package back to USPS. Bin {bin_to_open} will open for the new package. Press top-most button to close the bin!")
            expired_tag_id = bin_AT[bin_to_open]    # get tag ID of expired package
            expired_name = tag_info[expired_tag_id] # get name associated with tag ID

            # Determine user's expired package email
            if (expired_name == "User: Joash"):
                receiver_email = ""
            elif (expired_name == "User: Ming"):
                receiver_email = ""
            elif (expired_name == "User: Bob"):
                receiver_email = ""

            subject = "Package Expiration Alert"
            body = f"Dear {expired_name[6:]},\n\nYour time to pick up your package is up. Please pick it up at your closest USPS!\n\nSmart Storage System"
            send_email(subject, body, receiver_email)
            display_message(screen, "No bin is available.")
            no_bin_avail = True
        # if not all bins are full, find the first available bin
        for bin_number, status in bin_status.items():
            if status == "open":
                bin_to_open = bin_number
                display_message(screen, "Hello Delivery Man, you may place the package in Bin " + str(bin_number) + " , then press the top-most button to close the bin.")
    # Update the bin status, package time, and tag ID for the opened bin
    bin_status[bin_to_open] = "close"
    bin_package_time[bin_to_open] = time.time() # update the time when new package is placed
    bin_AT[bin_to_open] = tag_id
    bin_global = bin_to_open

# Handle bin with user's package when picked up
def get_package(user_name):
    global tag_info
    global bin_AT
    global bin_status
    global screen

    bin_pkgs = []                                                                # store bin number with user's package
    tag_id_for_pkg = [k for k, v in tag_info.items() if v[6:] == user_name][0]   # get april tag id associated with user

    # Find bin containing user's package
    for k, v in bin_AT.items():
        if v == tag_id_for_pkg:
            bin_pkgs.append(k) # store bin number when match is found

    # Logic to handle picking up package
    if bin_pkgs:
        if (len(bin_pkgs) > 1): # if user has packages in more than one bin
            many_bins_str = ', '.join(map(str, bin_pkgs)) # concat bin numbers into a string
            display_message(screen, "Hey " + user_name + ", you may collect your packages in bins "+many_bins_str+"!")
        else: # if user has package in one bin
            display_message(screen, "Hey " + user_name + ", you may collect your package at bin "+str(bin_pkgs[0])+"!")

        for bin_number in bin_pkgs: # open each bin containing the user's packages and update their status
            bin_status[bin_number] = "open" # reset bin status after package picked up
            bin_AT[bin_number] = 0          # reset bin_AT to indicate no package associated with bin
        display_message(screen, "Hey " + user_name + ", you have no packages.")

# Initialize servos
def initialize_servos():
    global servos
    global bin_to_gpio

    for bin_number, pin in bin_to_gpio.items(): # iterate through each bin and its corresponding GPIO pin
        servos[bin_number] = pigpio.pi()                # init pigpio object for each bin
        servos[bin_number].set_mode(pin, pigpio.OUTPUT) # set GPIO pin as an output
        time.sleep(0.1)                                 # short delay to ensure servo is stable
    # used for demo
    # open_bin(1)
    # time.sleep(0.1)
    # open_bin(5)
    # time.sleep(0.1)

# Stop servos
def stop_servos():
    global servos
    global bin_to_gpio

    for bin_number, pin in bin_to_gpio.items(): # iterate through each bin
        servos[bin_number].stop()               # stop servo associated with bin
        time.sleep(0.1)                         # short delay to ensure servo is stable

# Open bin (turn servo 90 degrees)
def open_bin(bin_number):
    global servos
    global bin_to_gpio

    pin = bin_to_gpio[bin_number]                           # get GPIO associated with bin number
    servos[bin_number].set_servo_pulsewidth(pin, available) # set servo pulse width to open bin (500)

# Close bin (turn servo 0 degrees)
def close_bin(bin_number):
    global servos
    global bin_to_gpio

    pin = bin_to_gpio[bin_number]                             # get GPIO associated with bin number
    servos[bin_number].set_servo_pulsewidth(pin, unavailable) # set servo pulse width to close bin (1500)

# User/Delivery Man doorbell button
def GPIO27_callback(channel):
    global screen

    display_message(screen, "User detected. Processing face recognition...")        # load audio file         # play audio file
    if not    # wait until audio is done playing
    process_face_detection(user=True)        # start face recognition

# Delivery Man button to indicate they placed package in bin
def close_bin_after_pkg(): # GPIO17
    global bin_global
    global delivery_man_detected

    delivery_man_detected = False # reset flag

# April tag detection
def AprilTag_scan():
    global vs
    global AT_info
    global AT_detect_start
    global screen
    global out_time        
    global bin_global
    global delivery_man_detected
    global detect_cam_time_limit
    global tag_id
    temp_count = 0
    temp_bool = True
    start_time_AT = time.time()

    display_message(screen, "Scanning for AprilTag...")

    while True:
        if temp_bool:
            frame =

            # Initialize AprilTag detector with a tag family
            options = apriltag.DetectorOptions(families='tag16h5')
            detector = apriltag.Detector(options)

            # Convert to grayscale for detection
            gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

            # Detect AprilTags in the image
            results = detector.detect(gray)

            for r in results:
                # Draw the bounding boxes around the detected april tag
                (ptA, ptB, ptC, ptD) = r.corners
                for i in range(4):
                    pt1 = (int(r.corners[i][0]), int(r.corners[i][1]))
                    pt2 = (int(r.corners[(i + 1) % 4][0]), int(r.corners[(i + 1) % 4][1]))
                    cv2.line(frame, pt1, pt2, (0, 255, 0), 2)

                # Retrieve information based on the tag ID
                tag_id = r.tag_id 
                AT_info = tag_info.get(tag_id, "Unknown Tag")

            # Show the output frame - uncomment if you want to see bounding box of facial detection live on monitor
            # cv2.imshow("AprilTag Scan", frame)
            # key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
            # camera recognition timeout check
            if (time.time() - start_time_AT > detect_cam_time_limit):
                display_message(screen, "Timing out... No AprilTag detected!")
                out_time = True

            # Check if user's associated april tag is detected and open bin for user
            if ("User:" in AT_info):
                temp_bool = False
                # cv2.destroyAllWindows()
                if no_bin_avail == True:
            if (not GPIO.input(17)):
                if bin_global != 0:
                    display_message(screen, f"Bin {bin_global} is closing!")
            if delivery_man_detected and bin_global != 0 and time.time() - start_time_AT  > 30: # close a bin if delivery man is detected and specific bin was open after a period of time
                display_message(screen, f"Bin {bin_global} is closing!")
                bin_package_time[bin_global] = time.time()
                delivery_man_detected = False # reset flag

# Face detection
def process_face_detection(user):
    global vs
    global pkg_Delivered
    global pkg_Picked
    global AT_detect_start
    global email_sent
    global AT_info
    global screen
    global led
    global delivery_man_detected
    global invalid_user
    global out_time
    global detect_cam_time_limit

    # At the start of face recognition
    display_message(screen, "Scanning in progress, please stand by...")

    start_time = time.time()

    # Load face encodings and initialize the video stream
    data = pickle.loads(open("/home/pi/SmartStorageSystem/encodings.pickle", "rb").read())

    # Start the FPS counter
    fps = FPS().start()

    # Capture and process frames in a loop
    while True:
        frame =
        frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=500)
        boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(frame)
        encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(frame, boxes)
        names = []
        name = ""

        # Loop over the facial embeddings
        for encoding in encodings:
            matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(data["encodings"], encoding)
            name = "Unknown"  # if face is not recognized

            # Check to see if we have found a match
            if True in matches:
                # Find the indexes of all matched faces then init a dict to count each face
                matchedIdxs = [i for (i, b) in enumerate(matches) if b]
                counts = {}

                # Count each recognized face
                for i in matchedIdxs:
                    name = data["names"][i]
                    counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1

                # Determine the recognized face with the largest number of votes
                name = max(counts, key=counts.get)

                receiver_email = ""
                subject = ""
                body = ""

                # Action based on the person's identity
                if user and (name == "Joash" or name == "Ming"):
                    # User recognized, open the user's bin
                    email_sent = True
                    GPIO.output(12, GPIO.HIGH)
                elif user and name == "Delivery Man":
                    AT_detect_start = True
                    GPIO.output(12, GPIO.HIGH)
                    delivery_man_detected = True

                # Access denied / unrecognized person
                GPIO.output(16, GPIO.HIGH)
              # load audio file
                  # play audio file
                if not       # wait until audio is done playing
                display_message(screen, "Access denied. Unrecognized user.")
            # update the list of names
        # loop over the recognized faces
        for ((top, right, bottom, left), name) in zip(boxes, names):
            # draw the predicted face name on the image - color is in BGR
            cv2.rectangle(frame, (left, top), (right, bottom), (0, 255, 225), 2)
            y = top - 15 if top - 15 > 15 else top + 15
            cv2.putText(frame, name, (left, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, .8, (0, 255, 255), 2)

        # display the image to our monitor - uncomment if you want to see bounding box of facial detection live on monitor
        # cv2.imshow("Facial Recognition is Running", frame)
        # key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF

        # camera recognition timeout check
        if (time.time() - start_time  > detect_cam_time_limit):
            display_message(screen, "Timing out... No user detected!")
            out_time = True
        if (name == "Unknown"):
            invalid_user = True
        if (email_sent == True):
            # sending an email
            if name == "Joash":
                receiver_email = ""
            elif name == "Ming":
                receiver_email = ""
            elif name == "Bob":
                receiver_email = ""
            subject = "Package Picked Up Alert"
            body = f"Dear {name},\n\nyou've picked up your package!\n\nSmart Storage System"
            display_message(screen, f"Email notification sent to {name}.")
            send_email(subject, body, receiver_email)
            pkg_Picked = True

        if AT_detect_start == True:

            # send email to respective user after apriltag is scanned
            if (AT_info == "User: Joash"):
                receiver_email = ""
            elif (AT_info == "User: Ming"):
                receiver_email = ""
            elif (AT_info == "User: Bob"):
                receiver_email = ""

            subject = "Package Delivery Alert"
            body = f"Dear {AT_info[6:]},\n\nYour package has been delivered!\n\nSmart Storage System"
            send_email(subject, body, receiver_email)
            pkg_Delivered = True

        # quit when 'q' key is pressed
        # if key == ord("q"):
        #    break

        # update the FPS counter
    # stop the timer and display FPS information

    # cv2.destroyAllWindows()

# Send email to users
def send_email(subject, body, receiver_email):
    # Set up the SMTP server and port
    smtp_server = ''
    port = 587

    # Sender and receiver email addresses
    sender_email = ''

    # Email credentials
    password = 'iyzh pctt gqwa drmj'

    # Create a MIMEText object to represent the email
    message = MIMEText(body)
    message['From'] = sender_email
    message['To'] = receiver_email
    message['Subject'] = subject

    # Start the SMTP session
    server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, port)
    server.starttls() # Start TLS encryption
    server.login(sender_email, password) # Log in to the SMTP server

    # Send the email
    server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, message.as_string())

    # Close the SMTP session

# Initializes and returns the main display surface
def init_pygame_display():
    size = (320, 240)
    screen_init = pygame.display.set_mode(size)  # create window of specified size 
    return screen_init

# Displays message on Pygame surface (wraps and centers text)
def display_message(screen, message, font_size=28, color=(255, 255, 255)):
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))  # clear screen

    font = pygame.font.Font(None, font_size)

    # Wrap the text
    wrapped_text = textwrap.wrap(message, width=30)

    # Starting Y position
    start_y = (240 - (font_size * len(wrapped_text))) // 2  # center the block of text vertically

    # Render and display each line of text
    for i, line in enumerate(wrapped_text):
        text_surface = font.render(line, True, color)
        rect = text_surface.get_rect(center=(160, start_y + i * font_size))
        screen.blit(text_surface, rect)

    pygame.display.update() # show text

# Used as a failsafe quit
def GPIO22_callback(channel):
    global exit_flag
    exit_flag = True
# Used as a shutdown button
def GPIO23_callback(channel):
    global screen
    display_message(screen, "Shutting down the system. Have a great day!")
    os.system('sudo shutdown -h now')

# Resets the system to its initial state by modifying global variables and resetting LED
def system_reset(init = False):
    global pkg_Delivered 
    global pkg_Picked 
    global AT_info
    global email_sent 
    global AT_detect_start
    global out_time 
    global led
    global screen
    global vs
    global invalid_user
    global bin_global
    if (not init):
        pkg_Delivered = False
        pkg_Picked = False
        AT_info = ""
        email_sent = False
        AT_detect_start = False
        out_time = False
        invalid_user = False
        bin_global = 0

    display_message(screen, "Welcome to the Smart Storage System. Click on the doorbell (bottom-most button) if you're a valid user.")
    # reset LEDs
    GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)

# Main loop
def main():
    # Display initial message 
    global screen
    global vs
    global pkg_Delivered
    global led
    global exit_flag
    global pkg_Picked
    global out_time
    global invalid_user

    # init pygame font and show welcome message
    screen = init_pygame_display()
    display_message(screen, "Welcome to the Smart Storage System. Click on the doorbell (bottom-most button) if you're a valid user.")

    exit_flag = False

    # GPIO setup
    GPIO.setup(17, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # push button
    GPIO.setup(27, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # push button
    GPIO.add_event_detect(27, GPIO.FALLING, callback=GPIO27_callback, bouncetime=300)
    GPIO.setup(22, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # push button
    GPIO.add_event_detect(22, GPIO.FALLING, callback=GPIO22_callback, bouncetime=300)
    GPIO.setup(23, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) # push button
    GPIO.add_event_detect(23, GPIO.FALLING, callback=GPIO23_callback, bouncetime=300)
    # Pygame setup for sound
    # Initialize the video stream here and let it warm up
    vs = VideoStream(usePiCamera=True, resolution = (640, 480), framerate = 32).start()
    # LEDs setup
    GPIO.setup(16, GPIO.OUT) 
    GPIO.setup(12, GPIO.OUT) 
    GPIO.output(16, GPIO.LOW)
    GPIO.output(12, GPIO.LOW)
    # Main loop to keep the program running
    while not exit_flag:
        if (pkg_Delivered or pkg_Picked or out_time or invalid_user):


    display_message(screen, "Quitting the system...")

if __name__ == "__main__":

ECE 5725 Final Project: Smart Storage System
Team: Joash Shankar (jcs556), Ming He (hh759), Junze Zhou (jz2275)
Date: Dec 8th, 2023

Description: Capture images from RPi camera and save them to a dataset directory, which signifies known users.

import cv2
from picamera import PiCamera
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray

name = 'Name' # replace with name of user you want to add

cam = PiCamera()
cam.resolution = (512, 304)
cam.framerate = 10 
rawCapture = PiRGBArray(cam, size=(512, 304))
img_counter = 0

while True:
    for frame in cam.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True):
        image = frame.array
        cv2.imshow("Press Space to take a photo", image)
        k = cv2.waitKey(1)
        if k%256 == 27: # ESC pressed
        elif k%256 == 32: # SPACE pressed
            img_name = "dataset/"+ name +"/image_{}.jpg".format(img_counter) # add taken img to dataset folder matching the already-created name of the user
            cv2.imwrite(img_name, image)
            print("{} written!".format(img_name))
            img_counter += 1 # incrementing so you can take multiple images of user
    if k%256 == 27: # ESC pressed
        print("Escape hit, closing...")


#! /usr/bin/python
ECE 5725 Final Project: Smart Storage System
Team: Joash Shankar (jcs556), Ming He (hh759), Junze Zhou (jz2275)
Date: Dec 8th, 2023

Description: Load images from dataset that we passed in to ensure valid users are detected in Based on name, detect face in the image and compute their facial encodings.

from imutils import paths
import face_recognition
import pickle
import cv2
import os

# our images are located in the dataset folder
print("[INFO] start processing faces...")
imagePaths = list(paths.list_images("dataset"))

# initialize the list of known encodings and known names
knownEncodings = []
knownNames = []

# loop over the image paths
for (i, imagePath) in enumerate(imagePaths):
  # extract the person name from the image path
  print("[INFO] processing image {}/{}".format(i + 1, len(imagePaths)))
  name = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-2]

  # load the input image and convert it from RGB (OpenCV ordering) to dlib ordering (RGB)
  image = cv2.imread(imagePath)
  rgb = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

  # detect the (x, y)-coordinates of the bounding boxes corresponding to each face in the input image
  boxes = face_recognition.face_locations(rgb, model="hog")

  # compute the facial embedding for the face
  encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(rgb, boxes)

  # loop over the encodings
  for encoding in encodings:
    # add each encoding + name to our set of known names and encodings

# dump the facial encodings + names to disk
print("[INFO] serializing encodings...")
data = {"encodings": knownEncodings, "names": knownNames}
f = open("encodings.pickle", "wb")